Deadline management and the Schedule

Deadline management: the point after the latest software updates

The latest innovations introduced in our HSE software have involved the whole system for managing deadlines and the schedule of the software, so it is perhaps useful to make a general recap.

Thecalendar interface and the integration with the Schedule (due register) did not change. The search filters remain the same as the graphic layout of the elements. (For further informations, see the video tutorial on the Schedule which you can view even without accessing the platform).

Instead, the notification settings change. If up to a few weeks ago, the time interval for receiving notifications via e-mail was automatically established by the platform (1 month before), now you can establish when receive notifications by yourself.

It is possible to define a time interval as desired (days, weeks, months) for each type of deadline, in addition to the choice of recipients. The system also offers the possibility of choosing the level of activation of the preference (i.e. a level of venue or project) in addition to the time fram.

Finally, the last important news concerns the introduction of the digest. A digest is a summary of scheduled activities/events, sent by e-mail, and therefore also concerns expiring activities. For the digests, the same applies as for the notifications: even here the reception frequency can be configured directly by the user with the time alternatives day/month/year.

We remind you that inside the platform, you can find the video tutorials relating to the Schedule area and to the correct setting of the notifications, which reflect more broadly what is reported in these lines.