Notifications and digest: new features!

New EHS platform update!

The new update of 4HSE, the EHS management software, revolutionizes and improves the entire system of software notifications, maximizing the possibility of customizing this feature according to one’s needs.

The news concern the possibility of:

  • define notification preferences at project and site level, on the sections: PPE, training, assignment, maintenance, procedures and health surveillance.
  • define who will receive notifications and digest (summary of scheduled activities and upcoming deadlines)
  • define the time interval for receiving notifications

Custom notifications: how to set them

Now let’s see in detail how to set up customized notifications and digest.

From the user menu on the bottom right, click on the item preferences.

At this point the Preferences window opens, from which it is possible to set the notification areas on project (s) and site (s) by clicking on new

. In short, select for which sites or projects you want to activate notifications and/or digest and finally click on save to confirm.

After selecting the notification areas (locations and projects), in the lower section clicking on new. In the new window “Add notification preference” is possible select the section for which you want to set notifications, choosing between PPE, training, assignments, maintenance, procedures and health surveillance. The event, whether it is therefore a deadline or a planned activity, the roles of users who will receive notifications, the time interval (day, week, month) and the type of notification (a simple notification or digest).

Finestra “Aggiungi preferenza di notifica”